Friday, August 20, 2010

Coffee doesn't HELP!


Haha...Honestly, the exam is still on. It's just that I'm sitting for Bahasa Malaysia tomorrow(last paper). So, here I am!

When I got back home yesterday and settled everything, I was pretty tired and I felt sleepy to the extreme! I can’t sleep cause’ I’m having History Paper 1 and 2 the next day and there’s a lot to read! I took out the stack of books and settled down at the dining hall…! People said coffee keeps you awake and I made myself a cup of extremely concentrated coffee, washed it down and begun reading. SCREW the coffee! It just doesn’t work with me! No wonder I detest it so freaking much! I’ll never take coffee ever again! Chocolate helps actually, but the problem is, my house ran out of chocolates!!! Urgh! I swear I’ll never take coffee ever again! I really don’t understand why Labelle likes it so much. Her record was 3 cups a day I guess… What’s so brilliant bout’ coffee?! >.<



  1. lol. Coffee does not work. It makes me more sleepy than I already am. But I do like Lattes :D They taste better though they have no effect on me whatsoever. Chocolates are the best (they contain caffeine too btw). Still the best way is to just have more rest (time it) and then get a fresh start.

    hehe I'm one to talk huh? I should take my own advice.

  2. Haha..yeah.. chocolate helps a lot wei...Dark chocolate...Im begining to like it! ^^

  3. lol. Coffee does not work. It makes me more sleepy than I already am. But I do like Lattes :D They taste better though they have no effect on me whatsoever. Chocolates are the best (they contain caffeine too btw). Still the best way is to just have more rest (time it) and then get a fresh start.

    hehe I'm one to talk huh? I should take my own advice.


You're awesome ! Thanks for your comment =)

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