Tuesday, November 15, 2011


i close my eyes,
listening to the pouring rain.

i close my eyes,
smelling the moisten earth.

i close my eyes,
counting to the rhythm of the distant thunder.

it's raining,
time slows down to a peaceful pace.

it's raining,
cleansing the earth from human sins.

it's raining,
the roaring thunder summoning conscience,
scattering greed that stains the human soul.

i walk out to the pouring rain,
counting my steps on the dampen earth,
along with the rhythm of the distant thunder.

it's raining.

#footnote : i love it now when it rains. it's been a long while since i wrote crap like this. ah, only when emotional that feelings to write strikes. 
#NowPlaying : Yiruma - Kiss The Rain


  1. Lol! I know exactly what you mean! And this is really really poetic! Ahahahah I just love your blog layout xD (Can't say that enough)

    (in response to you last comment);
    @Mich: LOL! Wait do you mean younger than he looks or looks younger than he is? 0.o Btw, thanks!! Hahaha I'll need it.

  2. Nice and intersting blog you have here haha,

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You're awesome ! Thanks for your comment =)

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