Thursday, November 29, 2012

Big Bad Wolf Preview Pass !


Yesss, yesss, yesss ! I know this blog is as good as dead because there's no frequent update and even there is, it's boring. Sorry people ! Been busy with assignments and tests and meetings ! HOWEVER ! Through ALL these busy, hectic and annoying stuff I'm going through, there's no way I'll be missing any great sales. Well, I mean book sales.

And god forbids, this busy woman *points self* has won herself PREVIEW PASS to the BIG BAD WOLF book sales !!

Saw that?! Saw that ?! I correctly guessed the price for three books and was the first one with correct answer ! *proud* I know Michelle is a common name, but I assure you I AM the winner. Bwaha.

I already collected my pass :D Though had to went all the way to Amcorp Mall, but it was sort of worth it I guess. Come on, peeps ! It's a preview pass that admits TWO ! It'll be lesser people and I can do whatever I want there more comfortably, I guess. 

Speaking of getting to Amcorp Mall, I've honestly never been to Amcorp Mall for my entire life, just passed by it. But my friends told me there's this book store that sells freaking cheap books. But never bother to go anyway. So, I was quite hesitant at first to go collect my pass. But after my friend explained it ..

Lol, so yeah ! After her detailed explanation. I guess it was a easy journey, something like travelling to Sungei Wang with friends from Kajang when I was a kid. By the way, rabbit means RapidKL .. :D Don't mind the vulgar. I'm usually very polite .. just that .. ehem. So yeah ! In the end, I managed to get there :D And also bought myself a copy of Tess of The D'urbervilles because it's the first time I step into BookXcess ;)

Taadaa ! Can't wait for 6th of December to come because I had to resist myself from buying any other books just now ! Gah. Oh, by the way, if you don't know what Big Bad Wolf is still, click here to find out more. But I think they stop giving out passes :P 

It's a book sale book lovers should never miss ! See you there !

Happy book hunting ;)

Mich >D

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ouh, it hurts- a D3200

Hi !

Considering I've always wanted one, so dream achieved !

#new toy camera

Yes! I've finally gotten myself a DSLR, and oh boy, it hurts! Lol. How can it be a toy when it eats up most of your savings? ._. Lol. Initially, I've already decided to buy the D5100. I thought I'd like that one better. But I ended up with this brand new model, D3200 ! Irony of life. 

However, this is the first DSLR in my life ! Damn, I hope it's my last too, wtf. *googles DSLR for dummies* And though I did thought of it but I never expect that I'll buy it today itself. Just the night before, I had a dream where I was holding a new D5100 I just bought and I don't know what to do with it ! -_-||| 

Wanted to do some unboxing sort of blog post, but the guy at the shop already unboxed everything for me, so there's no point for me to put everything back together and then take it out again right ? And there's only one photo because, well BECAUSE I forgot to bring my digital camera's cable back from hostel ! 

Oh yeah, by the by, I'm beginning my one week long mid-sem break :D How does it sound to you ? Heh.



Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Once upon a time.

Hi !

I'm wondering if you still remember what you were doing exactly a year ago.

SPM and STPM just started. But as far as my memory serves me, I remember STPM did not begin so early back then. It was just a year ago and it seems so far to me now. It has been a busy weekend for me since last Friday. It has indeed been a very busy period of time for me. As usual, never ending assignments and tests. We'll talk about that some post later. Not now.

I was chatting with my friend, and she brought up his birthday. Without realizing, it has been a year already. I'm not sure a year for what, but yeah, it's a year already since so much has happened I suppose.

One should always be the memory keeper, not being kept by memories. However, I'm always a prisoner of memories. They said don't live in your memories, funny that we're living to create memories. Ironic ? It seems fun to me when you can predict how a person will react, and you know exactly what to say or do to provoke them. I'm not trying to annoy anyone, perhaps, it's the egoistic self that craves to proof that you know someone well.

The thing is, I don't know myself well enough to say or acknowledge that I know another person well. It's too subjective to whether you know a person well or not. I've always know how stubborn I am. But I always manage to surprise myself that my stubbornness is always reaching an all new level again .. and again. Because I dwell on things. And also because things that I dwell on are not just things that I should let go, but also things that I don't have the rights to dwell on. But I just do. And .. part of me doubt that it's about self control.

If I were to write myself a letter, I'd tell myself; Give yourself a break.

And this is what I'll do. Breaking away from all those haunting memories, breaking away from the cuffs of memories. If I'm to help anyone, I, myself is the first person in need of help. I need to pick up the remaining pieces of myself. Shattered not by anyone or anything, but myself. Because honestly, if you ask me. I'm really amazing. Amazing that I'm highly capable of discolouring my own life.

So, don't blame me on what happened. I was a broken piece of parcel forced into your hands. All I did was replacing that parcel with time, pain was necessary. I don't care you're doing well or not, because you have all the time you need to be that person you should without a burden of putting back the broken parcel together.



p/s: Happy birthday, a few days in advance.

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