Sunday, August 28, 2011

of books and books

This is, well, hopefully a short and brief update given that I don't babble too much. I don't know if you've ever heard about it, but obviously you have .. okay, to the point, the book fest at KLCC Convention Hall ! I'm so going tomorrow and hopefully everything goes alright, I'll be there tomorrow ! Come stalk me. Kidding. There are certain books that I want to buy ...

Have a little faith by Mitch Albom. I already bought the other three books and this is the only one that I haven't got yet ! But it's a bit religious for my liking base on the brief intro at the back of the book but still, Mitch Albom's is not those kind of author that you can say no to without regretting it.

The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold. The Lovely Bones was awesome and I've read a few page of this book at the bookstore. But the condition of the book in that particular bookstore is such a big turn off !

Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger. I've read The Time Traveler's Wife for more than once already and it's really a page turner. I'm having high expectation from this book by the very same author. There were excerpts of this book at the end of TTTW !

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua. Honestly, i don't really know this author. Probably the first Chinese author's english book that I've ever wanted. But it seems rather interesting after hearing my friend who read the excerpt of this book from RD telling me about it. I saw it at Popular yesterday, but, it's those hard cover type which is freaking expensive. I'm a book freak, yes, but I don't go for hard covers like .. d-uhhh ?

Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin. Chick lit. Yes, if you're a loyal stalker reader of my blog, you might roughly remember that I've once said I'm way pass the age for chick lits. But the thing is, well, when my sister was busy shopping for sun block and money changing .. I spent my time un-wastingly at Popular and I happened to be reading this book. Well, it was rather captivating but i had to leave without buying it because *shrugs* the condition of the book turned me off

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Classic. Not much i can babble about. I didn't manage to buy it last year, so yeahhh 8D

This update ended up quite long. Whoops, sorry for that. But yeah ! I'm so gonna shop for books tomorrow but there are several problems being thrown in my way such as ..

Not enough cash.
I'm about to shift.
Books I've bought last year from the very same fest is only 40% if not 30% read. The list can be viewed here.
I've got Trials coming up pretty SOON.
Like always, my mom is gonna kill me. 

It's sad, so sad .. it's a sad sad situation .. OTL Well, maybe I'll just buy one book, okay .. maybe two .. well, alright .. maybe three if i can manage to convince my bestie to let me do so .. I guess four won't hurt ? Well .. five ? Arghhhh !!! I'll have to ask my mom to borrow me some che ching che chings ! LOL

Anyways, if you've missed my birthday, you know what to do ehhh (pick any of the above listed books >8D ) lol lol lol ..

Right, it's a study night .. sigh. Honestly, I'd rather bury myself reading books than study. Who wouldn't ???

Till then(which might be really soon) !



1 comment:

  1. As for my case, no cash and no time to even read a book ): I miss reading.


You're awesome ! Thanks for your comment =)

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