Friday, August 19, 2011

Season of .. exams ?

Howdy, earthlings !

It's the examination season. Whenever I talk to friends around my age it's all about: oh shit ! EXAM is around the freaking corner. Be it trials or minor school test. So yeah, next week onwards, i guess i'll be literally drowned by exams. Test, trial, MUET, FINALS ! All racing around the corner, why can't they just crash in an accident and save me all those misery ? :D 

And so, i was loitering around the the net and figured I'd go check the time table ..

NOT this time-table of course, mind you =.=(but i thought this photo is cool, that's why i uploaded it, bwahh :P) No, of course not, uhm .. maybe something like this ?

So yeah .. if you're my friend or maybe a very loyal stalker of mine, you'd know I'm a Pre-U student a.k.a Form Six school girl sitting for STPM this year. 

I went to the official website of the Ministry of Higher Education and the time-table is THERE ! Waititng STPM candidates to download it !! Weeee.. Right. I don't know why i feel the rush of excitement after going through the time-table. My papers, certain papers have some time gaps between one another. I just thought, well maybe it'd be good. I can study more given that I've been slacking more than studying. Well, maybe it's this adrenaline thing, my mind is taking this exam as a flight-or-fight situation. Haha.

But when i come to think of it, i was like, aww shucks. Some gaps are real long, what if i forget to wake up and go school to sit for my paper ! O.O|||

By the by, GOOD LUCK to everyone that's about to sit for any exams or tests or whatever =) All the best especially STPM and SPM candidates ! And I should probably go study now too =(

So yeahh .. if i don't update my blog after this, you should know what is happening ! LOL !

Till then. =)



p/s : 

=P TEEHEE, yes a crap post, just so you know ! 


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