Saturday, March 19, 2011

of little action and big meaning

Hey there !

I bet everyone already know about what Japan is going through.. I felt helpless for not being able to help, but i came across with this web Hope Letters ! It's a website that collects encouraging messages from all around the world and the admin will eventually translate it to Japanese so that everyone there can read. If you can't donate but feel bad for Japan, leave your message for the emergency workers and also the innocent children there !

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It takes only a few seconds, if you can afford to COMMENT on some rambling blog post i'm pretty sure you can leave a message here right ? This little action might seem useless or meaningless but your kind words will eventually motivate them to look brightly and once again have faith in their almost ruin life !

And if you want to know more about what is happening right at Japan, there's this guy who lives in Japan that reports to Mr. Jam's blog post updating readers there about on-the-spot infos. His name's Chamin. (his COMMENTS.)

Here is the link for you to leave them a message : Hope Letters

Hope you can do at least this..

Lotsa love,



You're awesome ! Thanks for your comment =)

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