Monday, November 29, 2010

of scattered bits of memories and our pain

if my apology for my absence and my ignorance when it happened
could in anyway diminishes the pain that awaits you,
that would be the best gift from God

and if my endless prayers could in anyway
 grant you invulnerability 
for what you have to go through,
that would be mercy shown by God 

if my courage could rip that shuddering fear 
from your tough yet fragile frame,
that would be Zeus granting me his power

bracing every possibilities that are coming in your way
there's no way for you to be alone,
despite the courage you tried to show

as we walk hands in hands,
praying hearts by hearts,
that's when everything will be okay..

because we love you, 
and you know that's the reason you stay here
to watch how your love is growing
within and between the three of us
the endless love

stay with her and stay with us.
love my mama..

Friday, November 26, 2010

upon my death...

feeling the last sign of life slipping away

through my fingertips 

the warmth of my body seeping out

leaving me behind

i could no longer breath

my fragile heart refuse to beat 

knowing the fact that i could no longer reach out to you

struggling fruitlessly to hold on 

hovering to love more

but upon my death something else arises 

as my death brings the two of you together

when the love for me draws you in the same direction

and my love for you seals your hearts as one

that is when i will live on forever

through the love my death created

the eternity of my love

lives on after the last beat of my heart

Some product of my emo-ness...LOL
Listening to Yiruma's: Love hurts.
Disclaimer: the pic is not mine! i randomly googled and found this...


Monday, November 22, 2010

of spinning mind and random crapping

Well, no photos in this post. Survive this..LOL. I don't really know what to...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Random Reviews: Temporary tattoos

I went to Sungei Wang with my family yesterday and found this temporary tattoo shop! I am not sure if the shop has a name but it's something like Body Arts I guess!

So, if you're thinking about having a real tattoo..

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Craziest crazies...xD

This must be the craziest week i ever had in my life...xD feels great...haha. So, today's the last day of school. Last day of my lower six life... You know how i ended it? Haha, went to sushi king with Nan, San, Kok siong and my senior, Mikha. We cracked loads of jokes there and we were laughing like crazy! Anyhow, i enjoyed. Even if it rained. I loved it.

Weee...I'm having nan at my house for a stay-over! LOL...i'm glad to have her with me. My dearest friend in my whole life is now lying on my bed sleeping like a pig..

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Random Review: Yummy Dim Sum!

My parents brought me to have breakfast this morning. It was a pretty decent place and cool too!It's HAN LIN DIM SUM*YONG TOU FU So I decided to share it with you guys!...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

1111- single day!'s 1111-single day! Lol..i didn't know until i saw a post in facebook a few minutes ago..xD! Well, it feels great to be single! haha...look what God gave us this morning for being single...^^
okay, i know it doesn't even look like it's morning but it's MORNING!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Book Review: The Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold

I've just finished reading this book and decided to review it. Well, this is the very first "formal" review I ever made. So...mistakes are inevitable.

-About the author-
Alice Sebold was born in Madison Winconsin and grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia and

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

of listening and photos..=)

One usually claims that he or she is a good listener. But recently, through my MUET 3, I found out that being a good listener is indeed a tricky task. By this point, I guess you must be questioning why MUET 3(given the situation that you're sitting for MUET)? Well, one of the articles in MUET 3 laa! Everyone of us has a very strong need to have other people hear us.

This need is so strong that when listening is purposely withheld,

Saturday, November 6, 2010

of cravings and missing dogs

LOL...i was bored during modern lit so...
 promoting for unicef campaign...hehe
oh....that's my lovely notebook! it's thick and it!
i did this before the finals started but just remembered its existence! hehe

Hmmm...the weather during these few days are so terribly, extremely horrible! It's hot and it's giving me headaches and numbs! 

Actually, planned to go out with Nan today...Oh well, canceled all plans today.. x( 

Argh. My cravings for certain things

Thursday, November 4, 2010

It's Diwali

Tomorrow will be Diwali..^^ Well, this year's Diwali got no place to celebrate...Aww....but I really miss aunty's muruku neh!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So, I'm done with my finals! There's no way to label it as good. I clearly know that I could have done better than what I've done! Far more better! I feel guilty for not doing good enough! Crap. Sigh. 

Fatigue. No better word to
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